Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sound #24 The Sound of Music

I looked at the different types of pay sites for downloadable music –starting prices ran from $6.00/month (Yahoo Music) to $12.99/mo (Rhapsody). Napster had the least impressive webpage, especially compared to Yahoo, which sucks you in with all the interesting things to click on. I don’t have an Ipod, so ITunes did not have a lot of appeal. Rhapsody had some possibilties…

I downloaded the song, “Sing Again” by Chris Walla to the computer and then to a MP3 player and checked to see that KILT (the station I play in the car while commuting) does allow listening through their website.

I was blown away (again!) by the options provided through the internet for sound. Downloading was painless and I’m glad I went through the process to see what all the fuss (music downloading) has been all about.

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