Friday, September 28, 2007

Week 3 #7

Week 3 #7
Originally uploaded by libtexlib
Tubing on the Guadalupe! Picture edited with color, sharpening, and marbling. Fun!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Week 3, #6 Triggermap

Triggermap seems very interesting! The fact that we can pinpoint on a map where a picture we posted came from is amazing!

Hill Country at Dawn

Hill Country at Dawn
Originally uploaded by libtexlib
This photo serves as a peaceful background to my first flickr exercise.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Internet safety

Internet safety and privacy are huge concerns. There seem to be more and more ways for users' information to be compromised. I really think one cannot be too cautious!

Learning styles

I really learn best by viewing and then actually putting a new concept into practice. Creating a blog is the best way to get the "gist" of the thing.

The biggest challenge will be, understandably, time. I can see how it would be fun to really embellish - spending alot of time to put in meaningful pics, etc., but... duty calls!

First post!

I can see why this blogging thing can become so compelling - from the theme, to the appearance of the page, information revealed, etc.