Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring Cleaning #30 Take a load off our drives

1) I deleted from the s drive the file I had placed there 2 weeks ago for a dog training program.

2) I looked over the p drive and did delete a few items. Overall, I have been fairly judicious about what I place there to begin with.

3 & 4) Deleting items from my personal z file is a work in progress! So many files - so little time! My oldest file was from 2003, the year I started working for HCPL. I didn't find I was more organized than I thought - I found I needed to delete lots of files!

Spring Cleaning #29

1) I already have personal email accounts.

2) I also already have set up folders for my work account - I found out fairly quickly that if I everwanted to find an email again, I better start organizing!

3)I must admit I never set up my address book. The good news about that is that I don't have to clean it up!

4) I will try to become even more diligent about deleting unwanted emails - since I have learned about how much space attachments take, I will be especially careful in the future to delete or move those emails.