Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Publishing Evolution #82 Print on Demand

1. I visited each of the websites listed and was interested in seeing what services they offered and at what prices. The question is, "Is it higher or the same as traditionally published books?" I am not sure what this questioni is asking, but if it is referring to book prices, some of the prices looked to be competitive, some not. I see that Katy has a book published by IUniverse called Homeschooling more than one child: a practical guide for families, which is priced at $14.95 - quite reasonable. So yes, I would read a self-published book, depending on the subject matter.
2. I think these modes of self-publishing are very interesting. For the most part, I prefer books that have gone through the traditional publishing route because there appears to be at least the illusion of some filtering and quality control but I am very open to self-published material, again depending on the subject matter and source.

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